Happy Summer everyone! It's been a busy-bee spring for Cultivating Community! We've been learnin' and plantin' and harvestin' and field trippin'
Check out these photos of some of our activites so far:
Ginsberg Garden Progress
Mid June, Our veggies are rockin' out so far!
One of our bountiful harvest days
Yum! Fresh Michigan strawberries are the sweetest treats, and a little dirt never hurt anyone! Photo: Kinsey Brock
Greening of Detroit Tree Planting
Ann Arbor Compost Tour
We learned how the city manages compost on a large municipal scale.
20 Hoophouses in 20 Days!
Theresa and I helped attach the plastic film to this hoophouse in Stockbridge. Hoophouses extend the growing season in Michigan, which helps out local farmers and local eaters. More info about the community hoop house movement http://www.annarbor.com/entertainment/food-drink/selma-cafes-farmers-fund-builds-hoop-houses/
"Have a beautiful weekend everyone!" Says our new garden guardian (he still needs a name, any ideas?)
Stay tuned for more news about the Ginsberg Garden, potlucks and workshops, and our weekly Detroit kids camp adventures!