The Ginsberg garden expansion project is nearly complete. It took numerous workdays and the help of many volunteers, but finally we have the new area fenced in, and the soil turned. The fencing was probably the most difficult part. The fencing was reused from leftover materials, to try to save money and resources. Consequently the fence was bent and ornery to work with. However we managed. The fence looks great! We turned the soil the old fashioned way… with shovels. We turned the entire area 3-4 times, and the clumps of grass finally broke up enough to plant something. Also a delivery of compost from U of M grounds services on Friday was spread throughout the new garden. As the sun set on the garden, volunteers planted hills of pumpkins in the new area of the garden. Hopefully the pumpkins will be fruitful and people will be able to take home a pumpkin in the fall. Pumpkin carving party anyone!?
Looking around the garden, many great things are happening. The tomatoes are growing uncontrollably; we finally procured some tomato cages and had to carefully cage in the large plants. Also, the hot peppers are beginning to arrive, if you look closely in the garden you will see many peppers hanging from the plants. As soon as they turn red they will be perfect for eating. Curiosity over the elephant garlic took over us, and we had to harvest one or two of them, just to see what it looks like. The garlic cloves were huge, larger than a softball! They were also pretty tasty too; I took a piece of one home and added it to a veggie rice dish, delicious!
Overall, I just can’t wait for those tomatoes to be ready! Yum! J