Thursday, July 22, 2010

Volunteering with Agrarian Adventure

Last Wednesday Cultivating Community members packed up and headed over to Tappan Middle school to help out their school gardening program called Agrarian Adventure. We were led on a wonderful tour of the space, which is quite large. The garden was much bigger than ours; it had tomatoes, carrots, garlic, cucumbers, and sunflowers… so many different things. The garden also had a large storage shed for storing supplies and a very tall hoop house for growing things throughout the year. After our tour we set to work harvesting the garlic. We pulled it out of the ground, brushed off the dirt, trimmed the tops off of them and tied them together in bundles of three.

All in all we harvest dozens of garlic cloves, perhaps even one hundred! The garlic was hung along the fence in the interim, and eventually we hung them in the shed… won’t need to worry about vampires hanging out in the shed…ever.

We were also able to take home some cucumbers! Yum!

Here are some more photos for your perusing pleasure:

A beautiful sunflower

The garlic hanging on the fence

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